gay fistfuck linksA selection of websites I consider to be worth a visit.
Suggestions for new links are most welcome.


1. Fist dating and fist communities

  • Romeo
    This is one of the oldest gay dating websites in Europe. My profile on Romeo is Fistrik.
    Romeo started in 2001 as GayRomeo and changed to PlanetRomeo a few years ago. In 2021 the name became just “Romeo”.
    Messages are only kept for one week on Romeo. That’s why I prefer Recon.
  • Recon
    International dating site. In Holland the second popular dating site for fisters.
    A big advantage is that messages are kept for ever, so it easy to continu a conversation.
    My profile is fistrik.
    International dating site for ass pigs. Not very popular in the Netherlands.


2. Fist fuck information

  • Redright
    Red right’s website has a lot of information about fisting. Last updated in the year 2000 (?). At least almost all links are broken. But the information about fisting is still valid….
  • Handball Academy
    A lot of information about fisting.
  • All about Fist (blog)
    Blog in english (and spanish) by a dutch FF top. Last updated in 2020.


3. Other fist sites, blogs and groups

  • M.A.F.I.A
    Mid America Fists in Action: Frequent fist events in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
  • Fist Fest
    Safe sex FF parties by Handball Academy in USA (Palm Springs, CA and Augusta, GA)
  • Rosebuttboard
    Forum and contacts. Mainly about female anal fisting but quite some men are on the site as well
    Free dating site and forum. Quite new but already daily activity. This could become an interesting site.
    Social network / dating site.
    Personal website from Slutboy fist pig from New York City, USA.


4. Gay sites (most popular in the Netherlands)

  • COC
    Dutch national LGBT rights organization. Also very active in supporting LGBTs all over the world.
  • Nighttours
    International gay travel guide. Based in Amsterdam, the information about all gay venues in The Netherlands is always up to date. A lot of reviews by visitors..


5. Recommended sites

These recommended sites have information that does not fit in any of the other categories.

  • Cuirmale
    Gay Leather Fetish History by Cuirmale, the Netherlands
  • Nighttours
    International gay travel guide. Based in Amsterdam, the information about all gay venues in The Netherlands is always up to date. A lot of reviews by visitors.


6. Gay health (in English)

Make sure to inform yourself about health issues if you have multiple sex partners. And which (gay) man hasn’t….


7. Gay health (in Dutch)

Ben je bewust van gezondheidsrisico’s die komen kijken bij het hebben van wisselende sexuele contacten.


8. Link partners

Want to become a linkpartner? Put a link or banner (see below) on your website and contact me!


9. Links with banners

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