For many people fisting is incomprehensible, it’s a pity but it’s not something I will make any fuss about. You most probably landed here because you like anal sex and wonder how you can proceed. You might even wonder if such a whole fist in your ass won’t hurt.
To start with the last remark the answer is: no. It’s absolutely not painful if it’s done properly. Much more pleasure can be achieved by fisting than by regular butt fucking! How come? It’s a combination of stimulating the prostate and the sphincter you can’t accomplish any other way.
Furthermore it is an interaction between two people, demanding a lot of trust. The bottom totally surrenders to the top. The top from his side has a very large responsibility. If he’s too rough he can cause pain or even serious damage.
As a top it also is an extraordinary experience to shove your fist into someone. It already starts at the slow penetration, where you sense that the anus allows you more and more room to enter. When you’re in till your knuckles you’re more or less like a cyclist slowly going up to the top of a mountain. Next you go over that top and your hand more or less will be sucked in! Finally you feel a very soft and warm space. The pleasure radiated by the bottom crowns it all!
next: preparation
For me the pleasure as a bottom is beyond words. It is so intense and incredible that nothing compares. I always come when getting fisted and make noises that no other form of play make me do. I get incredibly loud and my voice tells me I’m coming before I do, and it keeps building, then it’s wave after wave of pleasure. I call it the gift that keeps on giving! No other way of coming lasts that long!
As a top, it’s how you can give someone so much pleasure that they only make sounds and are beyond words. You can vary how you move your hand and rub the prostate as well as play with the folds of the intestine. If you get a bottom who likes the stretch more than depth, you can take you fist almost out but not quite and play endlessly with variations, far more than you could if only fucking.
But the overall most important thing is the connection between each other. If it’s there than it’s incredible play, but if it’s not then I stop play within 2 mins as it really doesn’t work for me either as top or bottom.
The only down side is that you want it more and more! lol
Great site! Will be attending parties in Europe this year!!!