To properly enjoy every kind of assplay, it is important to be clean inside. The certainty that you are properly clean ensures that you can relax better. And by relaxing well you enjoy fisting more and you can surrender better to the top.
If you are going to rinse, you can choose to just rinse the rectum clean, or to rinse deeper and thus clean a part of the colon. Click here for a number of images of the anus, rectum and colon.

enema syringe

enema syringe

An enema syringe is very suitable for cleaning the rectum only. You fill it with not too hot water, insert it as deeply as possible (think of using sufficient lubricant!) and squeeze the bellows empty. Remove the syringe and let the water sit inside for a while. For the best result, go back and forth with your body, so that the water splashes well back and forth. Certainly when you do this for the first time, you will need to practice keeping your anus tightly closed. After 15 seconds, or longer, you sit on the toilet and let the business run. Repeat all this until clean water comes out. Then you take a break of at least fifteen minutes and then go to the toilet again. A remainder of water will probably come out. You can then test whether it is really clean with a dildo.

The disadvantage of this method is that you are not sure whether you will stay clean for a long time. It is possible that a new “message” is already present in the colon that will be admitted to the rectum fairly quickly.

anal shower

anal shower

That is why most flush themselves deeper, for which an anal shower is often used. To do this, unscrew the shower head from the hose and screw the anal shower on. Anal shower heads with a stop valve are also available. This has the advantage that you only have to set the temperature of the water once.

Grohe shower head with snap closure

Grohe shower head

An alternative is the Grohe shower head with a snap closure, as in the photo on the right. You can click it off just as easily as with a garden hose system. The advantage is that you do not always have to use a pair of tongs to change shower heads. The plastic head of this system also fits easily into your anus.

Again, you do not take too hot water and let it flow in quietly. Just wait and let walk. Instead of always walking to the toilet (with the risk that something escapes) you can also put a bucket in the shower. You continue again until clean water comes out. Take a fifteen minute break and then check. Often you will have to do another session. The longest I have ever been busy getting really clean was more than two hours. But then you are sure to be clean for a long time.

You cannot exert much influence on the speed of the rinsing. You can determine experimentally that certain eating habits make rinsing easier or more difficult. However, this is so different for each person that it is difficult to give advice on this. You can also experiment with the position in which you flush. By lying down, for example, the water flows in more easily and may also get deeper.

Tip: The water temperature with a normal shower faucet can fluctuate considerably. You notice it too late in the anus when you get too hot water. A thermostatic shower faucet is safer.

Efficient rinsing

At the end of 2009 I received advice about a different way of rinsing. First go to the toilet normally. Bring in the water in one of the ways described above. As much as you can tolerate in a pleasant way, not forcing. Lie down on your left side for fifteen minutes. As a result, the water will (slowly) continue to enter. Then you sit on the toilet and WITHOUT PRESSING you let everything flow out smoothly. This can take a while before all the water is out. Take a break and repeat the entire cycle once or twice. Sometimes it is necessary to rinse a little and then you stay clean for a long time.

The advantage of this method is that you use much less water and with that your intestines are also much less stressed or irritated. It is gradually beginning to be scientifically proven that regular flushing can make you more susceptible to infections. If you have more information about this yourself, please send it to me so that I can give this information more clearly and can better substantiate it.


Over the years I started drinking less and less before and during fisting. The first years I thought it was nice that a fist activated my bladder, resulting in a horny golden shower. But since fisting has actually always become double fisting for me, pissing is no longer possible (unfortunately …). That full bladder just gets in the way unpleasantly. I also noticed that my “stamina” was diminishing: my butt gave faster signals that it was enough, making fisting sessions shorter and shorter.

By coincidence I discovered at the end of 2010 that when I do drink a lot (rinsing non-alcoholically) during rinsing and fisting, the stamina returns completely. Do piss once in a while, a little break while fisting, because at the same time it still doesn’t work.

As a possible explanation for this, I think that J-Lube attracts so much moisture that my anus became irritated by the moisture that was pulled out of the intestinal wall. And by drinking a lot now that the moisture balance is better. Just like everything I write on this website, this is not scientifically based, but purely based on my own experience.

Can you say something useful about this or do you have other tips? I love to hear them and useful tips will be posted on this site. Below you can leave a comment or send me a personal message.


cleaning your ass — 3 Comments

  1. I suggest taking a Table spoon of psyllium with a big glass of water (and
    More )
    Before each meal, two days before your session. It will divide your cleaning time
    By 2 or 3

  2. Ik laat me heel graag fisten maar had vaak het probleem dat er na een tijdje toch nog wat vuil mee kwam wat zeker niet zo aangenaam is.
    Heb nu deze methode uitgeprobeerd en het is veel beter, kost wel wat meer tijd dat wel maar is het zeker waard waarvoor dank.
    Groetjes Traf. Laura

  3. For me cleaning is easiest laying down in the bath and on my left side using an anal douche with flow control set to low/moderate and using lube to get it in, I let the water flow for about 30s or count to 60 very fast. Usually the 1st rinse only gets to about 30 and then as you describe, just let it run out without effort. I usually repeat 3 to 4 times and after about 40mins altogether I’m clean. I still wait around 15mins after then rinse shallowly to make sure all is good. This lasts me around 12 to 18hours, sometimes even next day, and means I’m confident when playing.

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