Deze tekst is ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar!

By the end of the 1990s I started this website. Dating over the internet was still in its infancy. To get access to the internet you could only dial in over your landline which was rather expensive, at least in Europe, where you paid by the minute. This also applied for sending pictures, if they were available anyway, as not too many people had digital camera yet. So I decided to dedicate a website to the FAQs of fisting.

Besides information about myself I elaborated more and more on the ins and outs of fisting. The following table of contents, updated regularly, shows the results. Read also the faffq (frequently asked fistfuck questions).

As is valid for the whole website your input is important. If you have any question for which you haven’t found an answer on this site don’t hesitate to contact me.

  1. pleasure
  2. preparation
  3. cleaning
  4. beginnen met fisten
  5. chems (drugs)
  6. hoe ver kun je gaan
  7. belangrijke tip
  8. de fistfuck scene
  9. een fistparty bezoeken
  10. verder lezen




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